Thursday, April 26, 2012


My president, once again, has spoken
“Do not admonish me as a child” Jonathan.

Sir, I shall, I shall admonish you as my child.

In the recent history of our beloved country, Nigeria, I do not think we've had a president that talks with less refinement than the current one. The man has proven that even Obasanjo at his military parlance worse was a lot better.

Our commander in chief once said in a self indicting statement that his government has been infiltrated by the dreaded Boko Haram sect and up till now he is yet to decisively fish them out of his government. Chai! Excuse me, what is it with this man, does he know how to hold his tongue? Perhaps the FEC should create a committee to assist the president on how not to speak in public as a president. Imagine the same man only few days ago in Germany saying our Army is below international standards! What kind of president goes about displaying his country’s weakness without a clear cut road map to fixing it?

It has now become the case of "If the mouth of my village chief smells who am I to tell him" I wonder what the court-jesters and praise-singers who surrounds Mr. President tell him each time he goofs which is undoubtedly is each time he talks. It seems that whenever the man opens his mouth an odious smelling fly comes out. At a dinner in honour of the National Working Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on Monday, My president said “Even though we expect all moneybags to be in PDP, but we don’t want the moneybags to influence the activities of the party and to stop that of course, we must come up with programmes that will make the party self-sustaining in terms of financing.” Once again the man is excellent at isolating problems but lame at proffering solutions even with the retinue of committees he is surrounded with.

Who are the “we” that “expect all the money bags to be in PDP”? What kind of political party wants all the moneybags (without reservations) as her sponsor? If my president thinks that PDP should become a cooperate organization, so be it, let them start a PDP bank or a PDP automobiles for all I care they may have a PDP Oil company so they can suppress the influence of the so called “moneybags” (aka the almighty cabal). It strikes me that this statement may not be unconnected with the Farouk Lawan led committee’s report, however I hope my president knows that Nigerians are waiting and watching patiently for what his government will do as regards this committee’s findings and recommendations and let him also know that we know that most of those indicted are the “moneybags” he does not want influencing the activities of the party, if his intentions are sincere let him use this opportunity to cleanse the PDP of unwanted “moneybags”.

Like my president I shall end my write with no solution besides my earlier suggestion that we create a committee on how not to talk as a president and perhaps another one on how not talk as wife of the president for his wife.

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